File Corruption Problems

Recently (last two updates) I have been running into a lot of file corruption problems. I frequently get errors when reverting when closing.

I have uploaded to the support site two files illustrating a problem. The first was on my computer and I had not opened it in six months. When I try to open, Rhino says there is an unreadable geometry object and there is nothing in the file other than block definitions. The second “2” is the same file I copied to another computer. They have the same date and size. That one opens.

Milano -

If you use the Rescue3DMFile command > Recover > ReadAll, do you get the file back?

Are the files saved locally or on a network or external drive?

No. I get the surfaces but all the curves are gone.

The unreadable file was stored local.
The readable copy was on a network drive.

Until a pattern for this file corruption can be found and fixed, make sure you’re keeping backup copies on your network drive or in a Time Machine backup.

I suspect I’m “preaching to the choir.”…

My suspicion is that the trigger involves opening a Rhino 6 file then closing without saving (revert to previous version).

I am FREQUENTLY getting this error when I close and try to revert to the original file:

I’ve heard that Macs seem to have a bit of a problem with not-caring-about-your-data, like if your computer is improperly shut down even 5 minutes after saving a file, it might still be sitting in the RAM cache and not actually saved. I don’t know if these reports are related, but it’s apparently a thing.

I uploaded a large file to the support site that has been giving me nightmares. I have had to restore it from backup (Time Machine) four times now.

This time I made an additional copy.

Opened that file; inserted a few blocks; exploded blocks; deleted some of the surfaces. Then I closed and reverted to the saved version. I got the error I posted previously the first try. Now the file is unreadable.

Miano -

Is it possible these files started as Rhino 6 files?

Have I supplied enough examples? Just wondering if I should save new ones as I get a lot of these.