Feature Requests - You vote, we code!

Your feedback really matters and you can now vote to prioritise features we should develop first. Let your voice be heard and upvote or post new features, plugins to support or improvements of the service.

Please be clear and concise in your writing and don’t forget to tell us how your suggestions would make your work more productive and your 3D web applications more powerful.

Follow this link and make your vote count!


Hi @pavol seems the url is not working, at least for the moment. See error message below.

I’m on MacOS 11.5.2
Browser: Chrome Version 93.0.4577.63 (Official Build) (x86_64)

Screenshot 2021-09-13 at 11.54.37

@Balazs_Kisfali could you try using another browser, or clear the cookies your browser has set for *.shapediver.com?

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@snabela thanks, that solved the problem

Hi everyone! Please use the following link for the feature upvoting feature from now on: https://shapediver.featureupvote.com/

UPDATE 2023/09/20:

We are discontinuing our usage of the Feature Upvote platform. We are evaluating a better solution for gathering feature requests in the future. In the meanwhile, please open new topics on the forum if you want to request a feature or report an issue.