Feature request: Add input for 'Plane' in the Create Group Type component


It seems that by default this component takes the bounding box of all the elements and then assigns the plane to be at the bounding boxes’ evaluated (.5,.5.0) location. Could this component be modified so that there could be a user defined plane as the model groups’ origin?



We might use a Directshape Type or a Component Family Type to allow for this kind of transformation. Would one of these work?

No change in the Revit Api wish list


Thanks for the reply. I had a look at the Directshape Type method and it’s promising. The feature that I like with model groups is the ability to move into edit mode to inspect the contents in more detail. In that sense I what I’m after is something that behaves more like an Assembly. I made a past request to add the ‘Assembly Origin’ component which was added in lightening speed - and I use it all the time.

Do you know if there is a notable difference between the file storage size of a model group vs. an assembly (given the same geometry in each)?



Hi lignindes,

Assemblies were created as a post production (isolating the elements from the project to document), the model group is for working in the project. Sure you can use the assembly as a ‘group’ of sorts but if you aren’t using the assembly features a group is probably the way to go.

My guess the file size would be negligible, unless you are creating the assembly documents. Worth a try though.