I won’t belabor this but is it possible to create a second popup menu linked to a mouse button or key?
I am using this macro: _ShowToolPalette _ToolPalette=Popup _UnderCursor=YES _Enter
in Preferences > Mouse for the MMB.
When you replace Popup
with, for instance, Main
, you get the Main Icon Palette, so you can put this macro under mouse button 4 thru 12 (tab “Buttons”). Likewise with any other Tool Palette I guess, I cannot check this since my mouse and tablet have only buttons 1 thru 3, so I can only assign a macro to the MMB.
And you can add this macro to your list of aliases
I’m not yet savvy enough to make an alias as you’re describing it. Can you give me a bit more info, or point to a resource to understand this?
In Rhino, go to the Rhinoceros > Preferences menu. Select “Aliases”.
Add the line that I highlighted with “Y” in the first column, and the text _ShowToolPalette _ToolPalette=CPlanes _UnderCursor=YES _Enter
in the second column (mind the spaces!):
Close Preferences and go back to your main window. Typing “Y” will now bring up the “CPlanes” palette:
Okay, I do understand that process. What I’m asking for is to actually be able to create a second popup menu that would hold a number of tools\alias’s. Presently I access the program’s single popup menu with a thumb button on a logitech MX performance mouse. In the commands customization window I’ve assigned a number of regular tools to quickly access them. A second such menu would increase productivity (although the single keystrokes like ‘F’ for fillet are the most efficient of all) Thanks much for your help Max.
Nothing is stopping you from creating a new palette. In the same customizing menu that you used to customize the Popup menu, you can create a new palette by clicking the + under the palettes list, and a new palette will initiate under “Modified Palettes”. Then drag your favorite icons into the right/top window.
Give the new palette a name that you like:
and refer to it in the alias command macro:
And as I explained above, if you have a multi-button mouse, you can also assign the macro to buttons 4 thru 12.
OH … does the “-undercursor” bit of the alias create a popup? I’m sorry if I’m coming off dense here. I’m wanting a palate that behaves like the popup that’s provided. I created a new palate with what I’d like on it, but I don’t want it to remain on the screen after I’ve chosen a tool to use. What am I missing here?
That’s exactly how it works for me. I noted that you are not referring to your “Popup2” palette in the Alias-text, but rather to the original “Popup”.
(I cannot read the very last bit of your macro, but I take it the last commands are _UnderCursor=YES _Enter
Add “_AsPopup=YES” before “_Enter”?
Works fine for me without that. The ShowToolPalette
-command does not have an option “AsPopup”, so why do you think it may need that?
You can also put your custom palette or popup menu to your middle mouse button instead of the default …
Hi Randy, the topic starter was keen on having a second popup, besides the (customized) “Popup”-palette.
While we’re (sort of) on the topic of custom commands, I’d like to give another gentle nudge to McNeel to enable ‘Export’ in the Command Editor. This would (hopefully?) allow us to see the list of custom commands—even if this were simply a text file—for reference.
(Curiously, the novelty of continually taking a bunch of screenshots of one’s ever-growing list of custom commands is a wee bit less intoxicating than it was years ago.)
@Dan: Any chance of this feature being enabled sometime soonish? If not, and alternatively, since this list must live somewhere, can you at least share with us a way to dig under the hood to get access to this as a text file?
While eventually being able to share a custom command file between Mac and Win would no doubt be ideal, this is likely a taller order. Continuing to wait for this “ideal feature”—lo these many years—is penalizing MacRhino users who may not even use WinRhino and would prolly be happy as pie with just a simple text file they can tack on the wall for easy reference.
(Then again, it’s entirely possible that I’m the only one lacking a photographic memory; in which case, feel free to ignore this and future requests for this apparently unnecessary feature!)
Can I move that we should help the Topic starter to solve his “problem” first, before we go into a, no doubt interesting, discussion about ‘custom commands’-listings?
yes Max. I suppose the original idea is to have a second popup, which really is just a customized palette associated with a key or another mouse button. You have answered this, so any customizing of the commands should be in another thread.
Tough crowd!
(but agreed)
Since I’ve already had my say on enabling “Export” for custom commands, feel free to start a new thread on this topic if you see merit in this, or give me the nod to do so myself. Am I the only one with a burr on my saddle about this, or would this be helpful for y’all? ~Dave
Hi Dave, aka @DigiFabLab this idea of Export is / will be enabled. I can’t find the thread where this was mentioned, but they are greyed out for now. Found it see link last sentance.
This thread leads to this page about copying Mac preference files aka .plist
Now a new thread with multiple tie-ins to other threads, maybe?
I went to this thread you suggested and see that Dan has created an issue request for this. Hallelujah! http://mcneel.myjetbrains.com/youtrack/issue/MR-2315
Related to your .plist suggestion, Rudi, I added the following over there. (Worth noting is that one can see their aliases in that .plist file, but not their custom command sets it seems.)
If anybody has additional thoughts on the topic, I suggest posting them on that existing thread, linked below. Apologies for hijacking the thread, which I hope had run its course! ~Dave
Continuing the discussion from No export/import "tool palettes sets" possibility in the command editor:
Sorry for the slow uptake. Yes, this is still annoying. FWIW, I’ve bumped MR-2315 to the 5.3 update (for the time-being).