Middle mouse menu [Toolbars]

Hi. I am new in Rhino for OS. I would like to know if there is any way to set my middle button of my mouse with my personal commands. I am not finding the way to set it.

Thanks a lot.

You can find something in your Rhino preferences in “Mouse”.
I use a logitech mouse with the original logitech driver. In the mouse settings in my system Settings I can make profiles for applications and there i can make special shortcuts or Special keys like “Enter”.

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Yes and here is my middle button popup …

First you have to make a copy of your default commands. Go to Rhinoceros / Commands / Customize …

Duplicate your Default Commands, you cannot edit these or you don’t really want to.

Then make a new Palette by clicking the + button and name it what you like …

Then drag and drop your wanted command icons onto that palette …

Then change the popup in your mouse preferences like @HugoIII suggested …

I hope that helps .


And if you stuff this macro at the option “Run this Macro” (next option in Randy’s last picture) _ShowToolPalette _ToolPalette=Popup _Visible=_Toggle UnderCursor=Yes AsMenu=No Enter, you will get a popup menu with icons instead of a listing (which I prefer).


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Thanks @maxz I not sure if i like just the plain icons anymore, I was on Win Rhino for most of last week and I had to wait for the tooltips to see if i had the right icon. :disappointed: Gotten lazy I guess

Sorry for my late rply. Thanks so much for your effort and data. I really appreciate it.

Great to be in this forum.


Is it possible that the command editor works quite slow in my Mac?
Everything that I try to do takes a lot of time…

Another question: How can I add a menu into my pop up. for ex. Booleans menu.


This shows a way of creating a second popup under a free mouse button or under a key. To get your Boolean functions just substitute SolidTools for the palette name.

Edit: space removed in the SolidTools palette name

Thanks Maxz. So I guess I can not include this in my popu with other direct commands…like windows.
Anyway something is happening with my version cause is impossible to edit…the lag is infinite.

I am not saying that it is not possible, I have only explored the method I referred to in the link.


It is actually very simple: open Commands > Customize, click on the Popup palette. Find the “Boolean Union”-icon in the library and drag it to the Popup panel. Then select the “Solid Tools” menu in the menu input field , save, and hey presto, your Popup palette now contains an icon which gives access to the Solid Tools menu.

And if you prefer working with icons (like I do), right clicking the Boolean Union icon will bring up the Solid Tools palette in the usual way, the same as all icons with a menu attached (showing a black triangle).

However, this palette will come up in its last used position. If you want it to come up at your cursor position, you can add a macro by double-clicking in the upper rightmost panel, like so:

Note that you have to disable the Menu selection, otherwise this takes precedence and will again bring up the palette in its last used position. You cannot have it both ways I’m afraid…


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Hi Maxz. Is it possible that is not working?
With my pop up should look like this?

_ShowToolPalette _ToolPalette=Bruno_Visible=_Toggle UnderCursor=Yes AsMenu=No

(Bruno is the name of my popup)


This is what your macro should be: _ShowToolPalette _ToolPalette=Bruno _UnderCursor=YES _Enter

Your version may work too when you make these corrections:

  • all commands and options need to be preceded by an underscore, I don’t know what language you are using, but you need this to force Rhino to use the English command listings,
    so add add an underscore to _ShowToolPalette and all the Option commands (such as _Visible). On the other hand, you should delete the underscore before Toggle.
  • add a space between Bruno and _Visible
  • add a space and _Enter at the end

I do not think you need _Visible=_Toggle, the popup will disappear when you select a command from it (if you have set this as a preference for all commands).
And you do not need _AsMenu=No, this is the default value for ShowToolPalette.


WORKED! Thanks a lot!! I still think that the Win version its easier. In terms of just adding with your mouse on the floating menu. Besides that I really like the mac version.


hey, is this currently the only way to make the mac rhino version have an icon popup toolbar? or is there currently a setting for this i can’t find? i see the thread is quite old…


i can’t get the middle button on the scroll wheel to launch the pop up tool bar in mac version. im using a logitech mouse and my mouse preferences in rhino are set so that the middle button should launch the pop up menu. any suggestions. thx!