FBX Import now missing Texture Mapping in v6 last update and v7

Please help,

I was using an older September release of Rhino 6 and the FBX import worked perfectly, Materials and Texture mapping came in just fine as expected and as done in other programs. I know this because I shared a screen shot with a colleague to prove this was a viable option:

Now since updating to the latest Rhino 6 release 6.32, the Texture mapping is missing. Rhino 7 trial shows the same problem:

Can anyone please help explain what has changed? I have a copy of the 3DM file that was saved from the working FBX import, as well as the failed FBX imported files.

Thank you.

Hello - I guess you should send us files that work and ones that do not - what is the target application?
Please send to tech@mcneel.com, with a link back here in your comments.


Thank you Pascal, Files have been sent.

Looking to bring FBX files into Rhino from FormZ. Same FBX files are importing into 3DSMAX fine.