Fast line intersection trim

Hello, I was a autocad user, loving Rhino, but missing a faster trim command.

In autocad we can just type the trim command or select the trim object like rhino. I almost always used the trim by intersection. Is there any way to replicate this command in rhino? Heres a short video of the autocad trim.

Please ignore the autocad portuguese interface, just downloaded the wrong language version, but it is the “trim” command.

Sorry for the bad english, just tell me if i need to explain it better.

In Rhino you can select all the curves you want to use first, then run the Trim command and start picking parts to trim away. Stated differently, curves can be used both as cutters and curves to be cut. However, Rhino does require intersections to trim.

For creating closed regions from a collection of intersecting curves, use CurveBoolean.

Intersections can be “apparent” if ApparentIntersection=Yes

Command: Trim
Select cutting objects ( ExtendCuttingLines=No ApparentIntersections=Yes Line )

If the trimming tool is a straight line and ExtendCuttingLines=Yes then Trim will use an extended version of the line as the trimming tool.

Command: Trim
Select cutting objects ( ExtendCuttingLines=Yes ApparentIntersections=Yes Line )