Failed exporting GLB with texture

We have isolated a problem with the shapediver exporter.
ExportBug.3dm (263.5 KB)

In the attached file (which was intentionally simplified), we try to export to GLTF with Materials=True, MaterialSource=Material, TextureCoords=Yes. We get an error “Object reference not set to an instance of an object.”.

We tried both the 1.91 and 1.7 versions of the exporter, and both did not produce a result with the texture.

Are we doing anything wrong? Is this a bug?

I tried to replicate the problem but the export worked fine in my case. Have you tried upgrading to the latest version of the Package Manager. Launch _PackageManager and in the installed plugins tab check the “Include pre-releases” box. Then check the latest version from the dropdown (currently 1.9.2-beta.1).

Let me know if that helps.

It indeed does not crash, but the resulting GLB does not have the texture.
Were you able to create a GLB with a texture? Can you share it and the settings you used?