Hi all,
I have tried a couple different methods of fading in the edges of a 2D pattern from 0% pattern to 100% within a closed bounding curve. The idea is that the pattern of circles needs to fade smoothly inward from what I have called the “soft” boundary. I can control the percentage of pattern that is getting reduced (in terms of distance from the soft curve, but have no control over the smoothness. I want to be able to keep control of the distance of the fade. I am trying to achieve a result similar to this, which was posted on another thread:
This is the pattern I am trying to fade in from rebuilt curve:
Fade to occur in highlighted area:
Here is the part of my script where I get stuck:
Model and script:
Fade Pattern Test.3dm (1.8 MB)
Kai - Fade Pattern Lite.gh (246.0 KB)