Extrude Surface Normal to Surface

Extrude Surface Normal.3dm (178.1 KB)
I have not been able to discover the proper sequence to extrude this surface inward normal to the surface by 1 mm so as to create a closed polysurface. Any help would be much appreciated.

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Try ExtrudeSrf

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I’m only seeing one srf and 6 crvs. weird crvs…

I’m not seeing a “normal” direction for that command…

Weird, I can’t see a simple solution. Maybe ‘fin’ in combination with ‘offsetsrf’ and/or offsetnormal?

I thought extrudesrf had a normal direction option …

Assuming ‘offsetsrf’ is using ‘normals’ technology:

Meh, got a weird anomaly there from that approach:

Maybe ‘fin’ the border:

Nope, ‘fin’ has anomaly too:

Yeah I guess Rhino wont automatically trim that data on ‘offsetnormal’ either:

Maybe a loose offset will work idk.

A single surface should not have a crease.
Run DivideAlongCreases, and Explode the resulting polysurface.
Then offset each one and clean up the overlap.

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