This may be a very dumb question, but after a while of thinking, I haven’t found a clear answer to it.
When using the OffSet surface (OffSrf) component in GH (1), and because it uses the surface normals to execute the offset, you have full control of the thickness/distance. That does not happen when we use Extrude component in GH (2), since you only have control over the distance in Z.
But when we need to move in Z and want to have full control of the Brep thickness? What would be the best way of achieving it?
If you extrude the Brep along Z, it will have a variable thickness everywhere, since it’s a not a planar surface to start with.
If you want a constant thickness, Offset is the only way.
If you want both constant thicnkess and straight sides, then you have to extend your surface (C# for this unfortunately), offset it and cut it by a larger extrusion along Z.
@magicteddy Thank you for the reply and definition. I thought that solving it through solid intersection could be a way to solve it, but I was unsure if there was an easier way. But it seems C# here makes a huge help! Learning it now