Polysurface offset

is there any fast way to make an offset of the following surface or thickening somehow avoiding to tranform it to mesh ? I’m looking for an inner offset of the whole surface of 2-3 mm.
Thank you in advance, any suggestions would be really helpful!
I attach the brep component.
Brep offset test.gh (540.2 KB)


Hi @leopoldomonzani thanks for the shot but apparently the component gives no result for this brep…

I tried to offset your polysurface with a script but it failed to produce a good result. What is your goal? 3D print?

Hi @martinsiegrist thank you for replying.
The goal is coring the part in order to make a part for injection moulding purpose. That’s the reason for offsetting the surface controlling the thickness value.
Any experience in that?

I have no experience with injection molding.

Not sure how you created the object… I’d try to start with the main object and add thickness to it before subtracting the holes. Then create each hole with thickness and subtract and union everything.

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I was about to ask whether you have the original surface before the diamond holes were added.

Created into grasshopper from scratch resulting from a portion of an existing surface extracted.
This surface has to be integrated in an existing part but within a non native software.
So you think it would be better working with negative pieces …

How accurate does this need to be? You can try rebuild that surface in rhino without the cuts = surface A. Offset surface A = surface B. Intersect hex geometry with surface A and B. Trim those surfaces. Extract hex detail surfs and join with A and B.

Well, accurate enough to get all the details from it. I tried to do something like this but wasn’t that happy with the final result. Now I’m tryng to redo it within gh scaling the hex to get negatives for the srf B…

yes I’ve got that

Can you please provide it?

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Bake the surface. Delete all the hex parts. Select the single remaining surface → _UntrimAll. Offset that surface to create your thickness and start trimming. You might need to extend some of the hexes around the edges as they’re very shallow.

It is so wierd that the Untrim component can’t do this. But guess what component can?

Brep offset test.gh (593.4 KB)

Wait, so the surfaces of the facetted holes aren’t even planar?

Would you mind changing the topic title to ‘Polysurface offset’?

Sure but how can I do that? not seeing any modify icon for the topic…

I fixed it for you

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Here a most efficient solution to offset any polysurface. I join the grasshopper plugin for all to take advantage on it (I just noticed the size does not allow me to upload it, however, I have joined the link.

Brep offset test.gh (552.7 KB)
) . https://www.radirhino.com/#/plug/6

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