Greetings all! I’m a Rhino newbie, & after doing a few tracings I’m really impressed with Rhino. I need to export my traced line drawings into Autocad & was curious what the recommended settings are for minimizing the amount of entities created in the exporting/importing process.
For example, if I rebuild a curve & adjust the point count to a minimal acceptable level , then export using the default settings, the imported entity count is higher than I’d anticipate. I understand that some of the geometry created in Rhino aren’t directly supported by Autocad , thus making the entity count higher, but I’d like to decrease the count as much as possible.
It would help to know more about what you’re trying for and what geometry you have in your Rhino file.
If you only have curves and you want the best representation in AutoCAD, probably not rebuilding at all and using the 2004 Natural export scheme would be a good place to start.
If you have surfaces that you want as curves, or some other complication, or if you have restrictions on what you want in AutoCAD, there may be some adjustments to make.
Thanks for the reply! Most of my work is manual raster to vector conversions of 2D logos & artwork. I’ve been getting along well using “Curve Interpolate Points” & then rebuilding and fairing the curves to get a more visually pleasing results with flowing, smooth transitions.
Its a gross underutilization of the Rhino package, but produces much better results in less time than I can do with Autocad alone.
If you’re ok exporting nurbs curves to AutoCAD as splines, you should get the same control point structure as you have in Rhino.
If you need other curve types, lines & arcs for example, in AutoCAD, you do have to make a conversion somewhere.
I’m not a big fan of letting the exporter do that kind of conversion if I need to be picky about what comes out in the dwg file. I think its better to get things the way you want them while you’re still in Rhino and export that directly. That way you don’t have to guess what went wrong when you get something you don’t like.