ExportAll crashes Rhino instantly when specific layout is selected



The latest Rhino 8 WIP (8.0.23039.08306, 2023-02-08) for macOS crashes instantly when I enter ExportAll for a specific layout page. I have four in total and only one of them causes the issue. I have no idea why. All layouts are very similar.

To recreate this:

  • select the relevant layout and enter its layout view
  • enter ExportAll and try to export it as a PDF (vector mode)
  • Rhino should crash instantly

I can send the file to somebody, if you’re interested to take a look, but I won’t post it publicly.

Yes, please do. Put a link to this post in the comments as well please. Thanks.


Done! Thanks for the link.

I was able to repeat and sent in the crash report as well. If you can have the opportunity to send in the report as well please do. Thanks.

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OK, will do.

This crash should be fixed in the latest WIP. Please give it a try.