Export Rhino to DWG (2007 solids) but with Materials embedded?

Hi all,

I’m exporting a Rhino model to DWG format and using the 2007 Solids export scheme. The outputted model is always devoid of materials. Is there a way to keep the materials in the export?

The export setting is below for anyone interested in resolving this:

Thanks in advance!!

Unfortunately many CAD formats, like DWG, do not contain textures or materials, athough you can export solid (uniform) color for the entire object. Some CAD formats will transfer different face colors within an object but that can be problematic.
Would OBJ or FBX work … what application are you exporting to?

I see. Thanks for letting me know.
I have tried OBJ but the process of turning the model into mesh is quite intense and often crashes my computer.
I’m exporting them to external consultants who use Revit.

A large OBJ may be a problem in Revit

However, if your customer / consultant is using both Rhino and Revit applications, they may be able to use Rhino inside Revit. I don’t use it myself but there are others here on the forum that use it extensively. I have no idea if it will transfer materials though, but you could ask the question here on the forum.

Rhino.Inside - Revit can help with this.

Feel free to create a post in the Rhino.Inside - Revit forum category with a small example.