Export PDF - custom paper - scaling issue (bug ?)

dear everybody, dear mc neel, dear @dan

(mac os x 10.15.7 , Rhino Version 7 (7.7.21160.05002, 2021-06-09)

I am trying to use the “export” format = pdf to generate a pdf that is going to be send to a laser-cutter.
Paper size is custom - in my case 1000x400mm.
I am having issues to understand custom paper size and scaling.

There is another topic similar to my question but Dan notes it should be fixed:

already after setting a print window i get a wrong preview.

the final pdf is completely wrong regarding size (42.34 × 16.93 cm - should be 100x40 cm).

Do i miss some settings ?
Is it (still?) a bug ?

Thanks for having a look at it.

by the way - if you look at pdf export - it would be great to choose RGB/CMYK color !

what i get:

Setting the Window to a 1000x400mm rectangle:

preview and settings

pdf - result

ExportPdf_test_00.pdf (2.9 KB)
pdf_export_test.3dm (3.4 MB)

many thanks - kind regards -tom

@pascal or @dan
can someone please have a look at this - thanks

Hi Tom - Thanks, I’ll take a look - did you try Print, btw? I’ve seen the two, Export and Print do not always do the same thing…
@Tom_ - this is what I get

pdf_export_test.pdf (11.3 KB)

That looks correct… right?


i would love to use export, as it does not involve the mac os x internal postcript to pdf process, does not depend on printer-settings / custom board - paper size is easier and the vector output seams much nicer - and as i am targeting a laser-cutter this would be the nicest way… currently i use dxf export.

kind regards - tom

… Tom_ with new Name Tom_P … thanks by the way. - sorry for not answering your question about your test-file:

yes your pdf_export_test.pdf looks correct

also the curves are much nicer, i get much more messy output if i use print - and i do not manage scalling if I use export. - using Rhino 7.8 latest Version.

kind regards -tom

Hi @Tom_P

Pascal’s enjoying some time off today so I’ll jump in here.

I was able to recreate the issue that you are seeing. To work around it I lowered the DPI since you’re saving as vectors vs pixels. Lowering it to 100 dpi seemed to trick it into producing a good looking pdf with expected results. I also tested this on a Windows build and didn’t see the same issue there so I’m going to take a look and see why the Mac builds are doing this and see if either myself or Steve can get this fixed up.

I’ve created a ticket here that you can follow along with.

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yes 100 dpi combined with vector output works fine here as well - i get the expected result.
nice but not very obvious workarround.
many Thanks.

Yeah for sure. Hopefully we can make this a little better for vector output pdfs. 1000 x 400 @ 600 dpi certainly makes for quite a few pixels lol.

but please use the right formula otherwise the scaling might stay wrong
:cold_face: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:
1000 / 25.4 * 400 / 25.4 * 600 * 600 = 232.2 MegaPixel

what you aren’t using red shifts like the rest of us? Next time ill use the @ :wink: