Export from revit to rhino Revit Linked Models

Export from revit to rhino Revit Linked Models :

When I export a model from Revit στο Rhino, which has multible Revit linked models (copies of the same link) in rhino each of those get a different name. So I end up with blocks with different names.
I need to have multibles blocks with the same name in order to take advantage of the block logic in Rhino.

how are you using Rhino Inside to Export Revit to Rhino and getting blocks?

we don’t use Rhino Inside because it requires revit 2017-2020 and at the office we work on Revit2016. we have purchased licences and we didn’t manage to ubdate into 2017-2020 version yet.

I am not sure this supports Revit 2016: https://apps.provingground.io/

can you post an example of said unique but similar blocks?