I am playing with 3mf filetype export. My goal is to export a mesh with custom attributes attached(not a separate .csv file). There is a nice export dialog window in Rhino, but I was not able to get any information back when re-importing previously exported 3mf object. There are only few information about 3mf file on the forum, so I would like to ask someone for help.
Is it possible to use 3mf export fields for some custom additional information (e.g. string with parameters from GH)?
Is it possible to re-import 3mf file into Rhino with all additional information attached?
I exported a model some time ago and if I had to do this more often than once I would have wished for an option to set the priority of each part in Rhino.
My wish is the possibility to attach a description with some info about who exported the model, which settings were used in grasshopper etc. This is crucial for further procedures down the production line. 3mf should be capable of that.