Expand and Deform of Spheres

Hi, I am very new to Kangaroo. I’m wondering what kind of command can I use for this type of simulation. When I look up I mostly see the “sphere packing,” which uses the “collider” and “on mesh” command. Here I would like the spheres to expand and deform. Initially they could grow at the same speed to get roughly the same volume toward the end although it would be good to be able to vary the speed as well.
Please give me some suggestion on how to proceed.

Thank you so much.

Here’s an example
balloons_in_container.gh (18.7 KB)


Thank you so much Daniel. Appreciate the fast response.
Have a good day. :slight_smile:

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@DanielPiker it remembers me the question from David @DavidRutten 9 years ago.
Time flies!