I’m trying to get this geometry 3D printed.
For that rather than doing a mesh pipe I’d like to create a smother joint in all the vertices, similar to

I’m trying to use exo wireframe on the script attached.
180411_eXOWIREFRAMEqUESTION_V1.gh (44.7 KB)
I believe the scrip is correct as it works with more regular geometry, but I think due to very stip angles it doesn’t work on the diamond grid. I would appreciate any help on this.
Thank you very much in advance,
Well …
- ExoW is temperamental (reports engulfing issues where there are none around).
- Intra Lattice is more eager to play ball but yields less nice looking meshes.
- Topologizer helps ExoW in some cases/values (wonder why).
Using: WB, IntraLattice, ExoW and Tolologizer (see Gates and Filters that redirect things accordingly).
NOTE: Always use a portion of your stuff to test variables (and shorten frustration).
NOTE: Do NOT put stuff for meshes far from global origin (not to place nor the time to explain that in depth).
NOTE: As Plan B … try a top subdivision app as well (like MODO) or that free freaky thingy (MeshLab).
Thicken_line_graphs_56A_V1.gh (63.5 KB)
For instance: this is a good looking EW mesh (but is open [ Karma is MIA, sorry]):
And this IL mesh is what we call “thanks but no thanks”:
Found some hybrid ancient thingy as well (it has some components AND … hmm … K1 099 [convert to K2 242 ASAP]).
Thicken_case2_V1.gh (151.2 KB)
From a flat grid to some liquid line graph (EW [hope dies last] or IL [hmm+hmm]):
just a question, why are you showing an image (that I did) not done with Exowireframe and saying you need exowireframe ?
I assume you have your reasons. But it is always good to give sources.