Excel data to make circles in 2Dplane is this possible?


As I get my head around this.

Q1. I entered 000000 000000 into grid Reference finder and ended up in the ocean west of the Isles of Scilly, (beyond the toe of England !) The example plot is in Scotland.

As such taking row 211 as you did and tree tag 5609 (tree with tag nailed to it) its grid ref is 261627 687106 This is eastings then northings, columns B and C

If I am with units =metres, would that see me have to scroll for ages heading north and east to get to the tree in Rhino if our origin is 0,0 ? i.e. scroll 261627 metres up page etc !

Would I need to establish the origin value lower left of the DWG map rectangle that is supplied for land features and contours for the excel data report , then have script that deducts those values from the B and C columns and plots what values remain thus the trees end up on my imported dwg ?


The RPA is circles. Easy. Rhino can make a circle at a given location of a given diameter.

As I see it, as the distances columns H I J K all differ, the canopy is made of four ‘quartered’ elipses, each one denoted by tree centre (B/C) and two points, one the length of the elipse and the other the width. All four elipses get trimmed and joined.
or if there was a command ‘DrawQuarterElipse’ then run that on each of the three points, to get the coloured quarter elipses in image and attached rhino file.

Result with normal elipse command is not an elipse but 4 elipses of differing size with common tangential joints at the four points.

Lets take an example where NSEW all differ.

Tag 5622.

The code would perhaps do this:-

Create circle of dia 0.1metre at location from Eastings Northings data columns B and C

Use Layer named ‘Centre’ for result.

Elipse1 centre BC, length column H 3 and width column K 2

Elipse2 centre BC, length column H 3 and width column J 1.5

Elipse3 centre BC, length column I 3.5 and width column K 2

Elipse4 centre BC, length column I 3.5 and width column J 1.5

Split elipse1 at H and K, delete longer line length of result.

Split elipse2 at H and J, delete longer line length of result.

Split elipse3 at I and K, delete longer line length of result.

Split elipse4 at I and J, delete longer line length of result.

Join the now elipse segments.

Place result on layer name referring to data in column M, so Layer name C2 would receive this result.

Layer named C2 is Dark Grey, B2 is Green, A is Dark Blue U is red.

See attached the sequence.
Tree canopy shape from excel N S E W cells.3dm (70.5 KB)

Trees data sheet Rhino3D project 30aug2022 rev1.zip (47.6 KB)

The dwg file is as posted earlier.

So can this be scripted as I have zero ability in such. Can someone kindly script this for me pleeeeese ‘praying emojee’ (if we had one).
if one can draw a quarter elipse that would bake scripting easier, no splits etc to do.
To run through all rows in the csv file.
