Please can you advise how I should code the eto form “Cancel” button so the script stops immediately it is pressed at present the script continues with the layer dialogue box opening up and then having to “Cancel” again.
Please keep any answer simple as I have limited Python knowledge.
import Rhino
import Rhino.UI
import scriptcontext as sc
import System
import Eto.Drawing as drawing
import Eto.Forms as forms
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
from System.Drawing import Color
from decimal import Decimal
import math
pi = math.pi
#Geo Vectors Points dialog class
class GeoMovePointsDialog(forms.Dialog[bool]):
# Dialog box Class initializer
def __init__(self):
#call base class initializer
# Initialize dialog box
self.Title = "Geo Move Points"
self.Padding = drawing.Padding(10)
self.Resizable = False
self.m_label6 = forms.Label()
self.m_label6.Text = "Dist X mm:"
self.m_DistX_textbox = forms.TextBox()
self.m_DistX_textbox.Text = "0"
self.m_label7 = forms.Label()
self.m_label7.Text = "Dist Y mm:"
self.m_DistY_textbox = forms.TextBox()
self.m_DistY_textbox.Text = "0"
self.m_label8 = forms.Label()
self.m_label8.Text = "Dist Z mm:"
self.m_DistZ_textbox = forms.TextBox()
self.m_DistZ_textbox.Text = "0"
# Create the default button
self.DefaultButton = forms.Button()
self.DefaultButton.Text = "OK"
self.DefaultButton.Click += self.OnOKButtonClick
# Create the abort button
self.AbortButton = forms.Button()
self.AbortButton.Text = "Cancel"
self.AbortButton.Click += self.OnCloseButtonClick
# Create a table layout and add all the controls
layout = forms.DynamicLayout()
layout.Spacing = drawing.Size(5, 5)
layout.AddRow(self.m_label6, self.m_DistX_textbox)
layout.AddRow(self.m_label7, self.m_DistY_textbox)
layout.AddRow(self.m_label8, self.m_DistZ_textbox)
layout.AddRow(None) # spacer
layout.AddRow(self.DefaultButton, self.AbortButton)
# Set the dialog content
self.Content = layout
self.Load += self.OnFormLoad
self.Closing += self.OnFormClosing
# Start of the class functions
# Get the value of the textbox
def GetText6(self):
return self.m_DistX_textbox.Text
def GetText7(self):
return self.m_DistY_textbox.Text
def GetText8(self):
return self.m_DistZ_textbox.Text
# Close button click handler
def OnCloseButtonClick(self, sender, e):
# OK button click handler
def OnOKButtonClick(self, sender, e):
def OnFormLoad(self, sender, e):
# set previous or default text for "Job Number"
if sc.sticky.has_key("Dist X"):
# set last used text if found in sticky
self.m_DistX_textbox.Text = sc.sticky["Dist X"]
# set default text if not not found in sticky
self.m_DistX_textbox.Text = "0"
if sc.sticky.has_key("Dist Y"):
# set last used text if found in sticky
self.m_DistY_textbox.Text = sc.sticky["Dist Y"]
# set default text if not not found in sticky
self.m_DistY_textbox.Text = "0"
if sc.sticky.has_key("Dist Z"):
# set last used text if found in sticky
self.m_DistZ_textbox.Text = sc.sticky["Dist Z"]
# set default text if not not found in sticky
self.m_DistZ_textbox.Text = "0"
def OnFormClosing(self, sender, e):
# store the text from the text box in sticky (it can be empty)
sc.sticky["Dist X"] = self.m_DistX_textbox.Text
# store the text from the text box in sticky (it can be empty)
sc.sticky["Dist Y"] = self.m_DistY_textbox.Text
# store the text from the text box in sticky (it can be empty)
sc.sticky["Dist Z"] = self.m_DistZ_textbox.Text
def GeoMovePoints():
# Utility function to show the dialog box
# The script that will be using the dialog
dialog = GeoMovePointsDialog();
#Open the dialogue
rc = dialog.ShowModal(Rhino.UI.RhinoEtoApp.MainWindow)
DistX = float(dialog.m_DistX_textbox.Text)
#print TolDX
DistY = float(dialog.m_DistY_textbox.Text)
#print TolDY
DistZ = float(dialog.m_DistZ_textbox.Text)
#print TolDZ
def ClosestPointEx(brep, pt, TolR):
info = brep.ClosestPoint(pt, TolR)
return info[0], info[1], info[5]
Parentlayers = []
NLpoints =[]
Npoints = []
Lobjs = []
Sobjs = []
Pobjs = []
Gobjs = []
dsurfIds = []
Cids = []
gName = []
groupN = []
cpoints = []
Players = []
Root = []
objectIds =[]
NCids = []
NPids = []
translation = [float(dialog.m_DistX_textbox.Text),float(dialog.m_DistY_textbox.Text),float(dialog.m_DistZ_textbox.Text)]
#sxform = rs.XformTranslation([0,0,0])
xform = rs.XformTranslation([float(dialog.m_DistX_textbox.Text),float(dialog.m_DistY_textbox.Text),float(dialog.m_DistZ_textbox.Text)])
Players = rs.GetLayers("Select Point Layers")
if not Players: Rhino.Commands.Result.Cancel
if Players:
#count = sc.doc.Layers.Count
for Player in Players:
#oldname = Player + " - Copy"
#Player + " - Copy"
newname = str(Player) + " - Copy " + str(translation)
#newLayer = rs.RenameLayer(oldname, newname)
#rs.LayerColor(newname, (0,0,0))
rs.LayerColor(newname, (0,0,0))
Lobjs = rs.ObjectsByLayer(Player, True)
CLobjs = rs.CopyObjects( Lobjs, translation=None)
for clobj in CLobjs:
if rs.ObjectType(clobj) == 8:
rs.ObjectLayer(clobj, str(newname))
rs.SetUserText(clobj,"New Layer",str(newname))
elif rs.ObjectType(clobj) == 1:
rs.ObjectLayer(clobj, str(newname))
print("sobjs =",len(Sobjs))
print( "pobjs =",len(Pobjs))
#rs.TransformObjects( Sobjs, sxform, copy=True )
rs.TransformObjects( Pobjs, xform, copy=False )
print( "End of Move Points Vector Routine")
# Check to see if this file is being executed as the "main" python
# script instead of being used as a module by some other python script
# This allows us to use the module which ever way we want.
if __name__ == "__main__":
rc = GeoMovePoints()