"ModuleName": "block",
"functions": [
"ModuleName": "block",
"Name": "AddBlock",
"Arguments": [
"Name": "base_point",
"TypeInfo": "(point)",
"Desc": " 3D base point for the block definition\r\n "
"Name": "name",
"TypeInfo": "(str, optional)",
"Desc": " name of the block definition. If omitted a name will be\r\n automatically generated\r\n "
"Name": "delete_input",
"TypeInfo": "(bool)",
"Desc": " if True, the object_ids will be deleted\r\n "
OK I understand ! The docstring exporter does not understand the array syntax: ([ … ])
def AddInterpCrvOnSrf(surface_id, points):
"""Adds an interpolated curve object that lies on a specified
surface. Note, this function will not create periodic curves,
but it will create closed curves.
surface_id (guid): identifier of the surface to create the curve on
----->points ([point|guid, point|guid, ...])list of 3D points that lie on the specified surface.
The list must contain at least 2 points
for this project and this I need structured data.
I did not take the option to write everything in Rhino with C# plugin.
I would like test an external server/broker (local or not) for dispatch : commands, helps, api, subjects of this forum, manuals and guides …, in short, all the resources related to the Rhino software in an international file format referenced by a simple URI.
This technique it’s not new, it’s the mechanism of the Linked-Data on the Web.
To day, i have difficulty to extract informations from your MadCap export Rhino doc help or Rhino User’s Guide (Because HTML is very complex and there are also errors that stop my script converter)
If we can have this in a generic public file format like DITA (I think MadCap does not export directly to JSON?) I’m happy !! (DITA or other standard file format that contain just the data for external processes)
Ok no worries, I did with what I have.
This has a cost of time of course, but we (McNeel & client) would have advantages in outsourcing the process of rendering documents.
Rhino could display offline help
Your help sites would be render with a unique tool
Aid becomes independent of target and with DITA-OT (for example) you keep multiple exports
With a transformation inside Rhino, the author of the plugin could integrate his help directly inside the rhino help panel
note I take DITA just for an example but it’s perhaps not the best choice. they are other international data format with a large tool/library ecosystem
Oh and you can create an oEmbed endpoint to display your link (for example, github link vignetting)
I understand. https://www.rhino3d.com/inside
This webpage is a simple markdown file (.md). It’s rendered as an html page on the Rhino website.
This webpage is rendered from a .yaml file which is also a plain text format.
Data in these file formats is simple, but when editing, it can’t be previewed. In my opinion, it’s difficult for the HUGE Rhino Help project.
It’s possible for plug-ins. For example, VisualARQ displays its offline help topics in the Help penal.
I’m sorry. I’m not a programmer. I can’t answer some of your questions.