Equal point spacing within confind space; incl. borders

Hi everyone,

are there any ideas on how to create this perforation pattern more efficient? The goal is to end up with an equally spaced perforation → similar MB S-Class seat perforation.

At my approach, i found arcs delivering a better visual than lines. The problem is that for every area to fill i need to adjust the spacing manually (because different div. curve length)

Also, is there a better way to control the arc curvature ? :slight_smile:

Thank you
area fill.3dm (754.6 KB)
area fill.gh (16.6 KB)

Hi @spaceoddity
Have you seen this thread?

and here’s a way to get a distribution just using point repulsion
repulsion_dotdistribute.gh (14.0 KB)

Here the number of points inside each cell is just based on the area, but you might want to fine tune these numbers manually to make things even neater (eg making sure the 3 sided shapes always have a triangular number of points inside).


Hi Daniel, thank you for the link and your approach. I’ll give both some further investigation :slight_smile:
