Hello, I am trying to obtain a smooth embossed surface using a given curve. I have used the attractor approach to obtain present results. Can anyone guide me about getting a smooth embossed pattern as in the attached picture?
Below are my current script results which are not smooth due to the non-uniform distribution of attractor points around the curve.
emboss.gh (11.1 KB)
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Hi @parametriccuriosity Not exactly what you wanted, but you can have a look at it.
texture.gh (15.4 KB)
You could look at that also
Here a little script that enables to stack curves without (or quite) intersections.It was done to answer a question on this forum but as the one who asked doesn’t care I post it here
[wavy curves]
[wavy curves2]
[wavy curves31]
The logic is simple
Make a list of curve with same extension on X and Y. I used 4Dnoise here.
Divide the curves in points (400 points here) and find the minimum distance between 2 consecutive curves.
Moves the curves UP
wavy curve…
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Thank you. I had a look, I am looking for other methods to do that too.