Eddy3D 0.4.8 not simulating or probing in Rhino8 Win 11

Hey ho,
I can’t get Eddy3D running. I spent the whole day trying to get it running… :confused: I have blueCFD2020-1 running in Rhino8 on Win11, downgraded from a newer MPI Version to the one blueCFD is installing after i got this error:
Screenshot 2024-07-24 153222

now I have tested the paraviewer demo (can.ex2, which is running), several openfoam environments (the actual is " OpenFOAM 8 mingw-w64 Double Precision (of8-64), using MSMPI71" which says it is rdy) but there was also no change in the outcome of the Eddy simulations.

I also made sure that I’m admin in this session. I rebuilded the template with the Eddy 0.4.8 components but also no change.
Some other findings which I could not investigate to further tackle this down:

  • the clean component turns red when pressed if it is in Mesh Directory mode, its not possible to access this error, it seams it does nothing in the folder on run
  • the indoor domain component seams to do something but it does not make a log file unfortunatly
  • the probing does not complain in most “simulation” cases (after installing blueCFD) but returns no results, there is a glimps of a terminal window opening but its impossible to read the information it provides

is it possible to active some additional logging for indoor simulation? some other ideas what can cause this? how to proceed?

any help is very welcome, greets and all the best,

240724-windCFD-v1.gh (67.0 KB)

I got at least the “normal” simulation now running WITHOUT ADMIN rights of Rhino8…

an additional observation: the Eddy3d intersection component seams not to work as expected or I misunderstand the use of it. It does not react on any height change at all. I use mesh split now which gives more credible results and is faster than the Eddy intersect component.

any help of getting the indoor simulation to work would be a charm! :slight_smile:

@martin.c.baier Please use this template for the indoor case for now. We are working on big updates at the moment.

Thank you for the reply! I tested your workaround but once I change the geometry the component fails again. For me it seems like its just doing fine if you stay inside this demo-case but maybe I’m wrong…
For now I give up using Eddy3D with my setup (Rhino8 / Win11 / BlueCFD2020) but I would really like to test it in the future after the update you mentioned! :slight_smile:
For whom it may interest- I now use GH_Wind which is no OpenFoam simulator but at least its working with my setup and gives some results (not jet validated if they are correct) which looks something plausible…
Thanks and greets,