Hi masters! I am completely new to subD and starting to see major improvements I can have on my workflow.
I am trying to get a subD object to match a curve where I need it to be the edge of that subD. Thought that bridge would be the solution but didn’t achieve that yet.
From a mesh I produced a subD
Nice… getting closer
I needed to create new patches and match those to align to the curve… In your solution it aligns the patches that already match the mesh below and changes the ending bulge… so not the best way to add material and make it continuing/tangencing to the desired curve, but that’s a good start
I think what you could do, is firstly do Align as I mentioned. Then, Insert an edge halfway. So you’ve got two loops. Extract the outside loop. Undo the alignments. Then Bridge. When you insert the edge, make it absolute rather than proportional from the aligned curve.
My gif missed off the bridge at the end, but maybe you get the drift. Seems like a hacky way to me, but I’m sure someone more capable here will be able to help you. Also, I would look at the new-ish (I think) ExtrudeSubd command. Extrude the edge outwards tangent, then align to the curve.