Dynamic display settings has no options anymore

When I use rendered view the view now changes to wireframe when I rotate or pan. The control under dynamic display for this has been removed in options. Is there a setting in advanced to turn this off?
Why did you debase this to lack of functionality? I don’t want display settings and I don’t want bounding box I want my rendered display to never debase into wireframe argh you guys keep making Rhino worse not better who asked for this type of degraded behavior.

Hello - as far as I know the control is where it has been - if it is frames per second, on the View page in Options. If you are asking about something else, please add some details.


Yea but why would that cause it to degrade into wire frame?
And what should I set that to currently its at 5 frames.

Hello - I am confused about the request - are there options missing, or not?


Yes in dynamic display we used to be able to set it per view but now it’s just bounding box or application settings.

In any case what do I set frames per second to so that my rendered view when panning or rotating doesn’t degrade into wireframe.
Seems this is a global setting not per view.

Set it to something very small, say 0.001. That means that degrading happens only when Rhino can’t draw at least 0.001 frame per second.

Ok thanks that was killing me using rendered view.

@pascal @nathanletwory
You know that’s a weird place to put that control and how does a user know that would fix dynamic display degradation as well as that it would accept a decimal number close to zero wow pretty counter intuitive. I think this needs to be retitled, rethought because this frames per second doesn’t hint at being a dynamic display problem. Under dynamic display tab there should be a hint to decrease frames per second. From a users standpoint this control makes no sense or relation to rendered view turning into wireframe.

As far as I know this has not changed - it may be that you are conflating this setting with the BBox degradation set per display mode. In any event, I do not think that anything has been taken away.


With large scenes or weak hardware, this function is extremely helpful.

I didn’t say it wasn’t useful only that the display debasement into wireframe does not hint at frames per second as being the culprit to turn that behavior on and off.

I do not disagree with you :wink:

I don’t mess with the settings until something goes broke for me which it did in rendered view.
Sorry I can’t remember or for the conflation, but that doesn’t obviate the fact that frames per second would be hard to associate with a rendered view turning into wireframe. Frames per second is a global switch I didn’t think that would cause my rendered view “to degrade into wireframe”. In this case where is the information to tell me that frames per second controls when wireframe appears in rendered mode. My suggestion is that there should be the option or a message somewhere to let users know what this setting controls and that it would fix the problem in a rendered mode which doesn’t have this global switch in it.