Hi all,
I am looking for a bit of advice. I have been using rhino for quite a while as a go between from clients cad and my cam software. Normal it comes from the client as dxf and goes out as dxf. It’s mostly very boring 2d profiling. Some times however it comes in as 3dm or has been converted from 3dm to dxf by the client. On simple geometry it’s no problem but on complex curves I have issues.
Why does 2004 lines explode the curve and make my fair line into loads of line sections but 2004 solids keeps it as a nice fair line and as a closed object.
I have looked at the help Menu but I can only find a list of export option but no explanation on what the difference between them.
I basically what to send to my cam software what my client what’s to cut, not some simplified version of it.
Any advice, help or link to help page would be most welcome.