Hi everyone. I have some export problems. I made a office chair on milimeter and I opened my model on meter. After that I sepereted with layers and blocks. I tried to export dwg (2007 solid) and I did it. When I try to open dwg on rhino 6 there are some missing parts. During the export rhino didnt show any warning about skipped parts. I should export with blocks. Also I tried without blocks, the result didnt change. I would like to send to pcon this dwg file. I am waiting your helps. Thabk you.
Hello - does SelBadObjects
find anything in your model? Can you post the model here or send to tech@mcneel.com with a link back to this topic in your comments?
There is no bad object. I will send rhino file. Thank you.
The Rhino has problems with the .dwg format, see the Scale/Tolerance of the model.
How can I see that?
What size is your model? Tolerance?
Here the my settings. Model and layout settings are the same. I tried to change tolerance and I made it 0.0001 and 0.00001. Nothing changed.