Well, for an example - I have some surface, or a polysurface, and I want to duplicate edge… If I use _SelChain command to select edges - in a result I have duplicated edges… twice… all of them, except the one I pick first… and if this contour is something complex, with a lot of elements - it is very annoying job - to find that duplicated lines and to delete them…
try to run SelChain command, to select all outer contour, and then - to
run a "duplicate edge " command… - in my case - all edges are twice
duplicated, except that one - I picked up running SelChain command
This one is just an simple example, usually I need to make this contour copy from polysurfaces, and running “Duplicate Border” command - will also make a lot of unnecessary geometries - exploding them, deleting unwanted, joining… a lot of extra operations… But Running DuoEdge first, then SelChain - do not allow to choose a Chain_Continuity selecting option ( position, tangency, curvature )…
The bug is you’re using the SelChain toolbar button. That appears to have a bad macro, it has a ’ in front. Doesn’t work inside SelDup. Without it it does. I typed all the commands, that’s why it works on my end. It also works if you call everything from the menus.