I am a beginner on grasshopper and I am trying to duplicate the geometry below and to give the repetitions different diameters according to a data file that I was provided.
Could you give me some instructions on how I could go about it as well as the blocks to use?
Thank you very much
Thank you, this answer already helps me a little.
For context, I have to make transitions between bars of different diameters. These diameters vary between 0.5mm and 2.9mm with a step of 0.2mm (that’s why I used of a vpipe in the capture I sent). The problem is that there is no pattern, each junction uses different diameters (This is the result of an optimization). I can have a transition from 2.9 to 1.1 and the next one can be from 0.5 to 2.1, and this is where I’m puzzled about how to proceed.
Welcome to the community @Stéphanie Glad to have you here!
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