Duplicate a geometry with different sizes with grasshopper

I am a beginner on grasshopper and I am trying to duplicate the geometry below and to give the repetitions different diameters according to a data file that I was provided.


Could you give me some instructions on how I could go about it as well as the blocks to use?
Thank you very much

Depends how you want to scale so post some code.

Thank you, this answer already helps me a little.
For context, I have to make transitions between bars of different diameters. These diameters vary between 0.5mm and 2.9mm with a step of 0.2mm (that’s why I used of a vpipe in the capture I sent). The problem is that there is no pattern, each junction uses different diameters (This is the result of an optimization). I can have a transition from 2.9 to 1.1 and the next one can be from 0.5 to 2.1, and this is where I’m puzzled about how to proceed.

Post some code of what you’ve got.

I managed something with what you sent before I think it will be ok now

Thank you for your help!

Welcome to the community @Stéphanie Glad to have you here! :slightly_smiling_face:
Just to note in the future. It is just about always a good idea to attach minimal versions of code relevant to your problem. That way people can help you quicker and easier. Read below for asking questions.

Also, I would recommend learning data trees. copying and pasting code may seem easier but in the long run learning how to use the trees will help you tremendously. Arguably I think that learning about trees is probably the one of the most important things to learn first.
Grasshopper Masterclass with David Rutten - 01 - Overview of Data Trees on Vimeo (vimeopro.com)

Rhino Tutorials’s Videos on Vimeo