In Rhino 7 is there a way in which I can move a line that has been projected onto a complex 3D surface (in this case an organic shape with a complex topography) and keep the line constrained to the surface?
When I try to move the control points of such a line, they do not stay on the surface and I have to use “pull” to bring them back onto the surface. For complex lines this can be very time consuming.
Similarly for InterpCrvOnSrf, if I try to alter the initial line, it usually ends up not being on the surface after being edited.
I wondered if anyone knows of a way to almost treat the surface of an object as a C-Plane so that any points or lines I create/move Rhino automatically stay on on a surface.
Otherwise any hints to make this easier would be much appreciated!
I found this link for Rhino 6 which looks like exactly what I want, but it doesn’t seem to work on Rhino 7:
Also if it helps - what I’m trying to do is design a shoe upper pattern on a last. I can import a sketch with my lines, trace the lines and project onto the last, but from there if I want to modify any of the lines it takes a lot of time and effort. If there is a setting to tell Rhino to constrain any edits made to lines to the surface it would be incredible!
maybe you can try using a surface instead of a curve, and get their intersection curve (which for sure lies on the second srf as long as they intersect) ?
I had to admit I hadn’t tried - one of the comments on the download page asked when it was to be upgraded for R7 so assumed (always a dangerous thing) that it didn’t work.
Just downloaded and tried and it’s exactly what I was after.