Drape in Grasshopper

Hello. Is there any idea if there is any way to create the command drape in grasshopper? I tried with kangaroo but I would like to do it exclusively with grasshopper. Thank you.

Drape is fast because it can use the Z-buffer data from the display, you can mimic this in pure GH, but it won’t be fast because you’ll end up doing a lot of mesh-ray intersections.

You must first combine all your shapes plus the ground-plane into a single mesh. You then generate a grid of points above this mesh, and use the Mesh|Ray intersector to find the points on the mesh underneath each grid point.


Like what David suggested you could use Mesh|Ray Int component then recreate a mesh from projected points with
Delaunay Mesh comp.
But still there’s Kangaroo that uses spring-particle system for drape simulation .
MeshRay_Drape.gh (8.4 KB)

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Thanks Amir, I’ve clusterized this for anyone looking to use this on their own mesh
MeshRayDrape.ghcluster (5.6 KB)


Ancient discussion, but for anyone interested, “Project” seems much faster than “MeshRay”, with the same result.

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