Docking command line in mac for rhino 8

Hi - I have a questions about the command line. I’m well aware that on Mac you can start typing and the command line will appear in a separate window that overlays the Rhino window. I want to know how to dock the command line in Mac Rhino 8 because I’m tired of moving the window out of the way of my rendering/model to see. I know it’s possible to dock it because I have colleagues who have the same specs as me and they have that command line docked in their main menu on the left container

Let me know if you have ideas.


Hi Whitmire-

Hopefully you’ve already figured this out, but just in case…

First, double-check that Rhino > Settings… > General > Use command options dialog

is unchecked (disabled).

If it was checked, uncheck it and then start a new modeling window. Any luck?

If not, you should try Window > Window Layouts > Default Window Layout which will restore the default Window layout.

If all else fails, something else must be cause this oddity. As a last restore, you can try running the Reset command and reset to factory defaults.

I already did a hard factory reset. but you’re the first person to give me the solution lol.


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