At first I thought those had to be printed with a resin printer because their sides are very smooth and couldn’t be printed by a regular FDM printer without some very tricky supports or a lot of post-print refinishing. But a close look at the lower left one shows a clear vertical seam which suggests they really were printed with a regular FDM printer.
My best guess is a combination of methods was used. First, the basic smooth shape was created using a surface of revolution formed by a vertical Nurbs or Interpolated curve. Then a distorted hexagonal grid was mapped onto the surface. Distorted means the hexagons varied in size and shape. Then the grid was scaled up in X & Y directions so it was completely outside the original shape. Finally some sort of wrapping mesh was generated to connect the 2 grids.
If someone here who has a better idea posts a method that actually works I’ll be happy to test it with a real print.
welcome to the parametric world. Grasshopper is not a magic tool, the user has still many things to control. If you just want to copycat this work use a 3d scanner or model it in Rhinoceros.
If you want a parametric model you’ll have to decide what are the parameters, diameter, height, number of bumps …
And always give reference to the works you show.
It seems to be some work from Wang & Söderström
Thank you so much for replying!! But I’m a beginner so I have no idea what any of what you wrote means. Could you by any chance send me a tutorial or a code to explain how this might work.
i just wanna pass the course man
There are many Grasshopper tutorials available online - just use Google to find them. Be aware that although grasshopper is quite complex, you can get started with simple examples and build up your skills step by step. That’s exactly how I learned to use it.