Divide curved surface equally into surface

Hi Guys! I wanted to divide this surface equally and also wanted to have windows. With distance of 600mm between each surfaces. So please help me in this. Thanks in Advance.
window on surface 1.3dm (271.9 KB)
Window on surface.gh (36.2 KB)

Window on surface Edited v0.gh (73.3 KB)

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Thank you Quan Li, I wanted have a mullions kind of around the curved surface without getting crossed. Please help me with that. Thanks in Advance

Need a graphic explanation.

Kinda like this, I wanted mullion around the curved surface with distance of 600mm

As some of the line are being crossed which as shown in images which is used as reference , that is not exact. I wanted my file in correct way.

Window on surface Edited v1.gh (104.0 KB)

Thank you Quan Li thats’ great. I really appreciate your work!!

Hi, I used the above GH binary, but in some of the curved surface, some of mullions are missing. Can you please help me? Explain me what actually is happening. Thanks in Advance.

Window on surface Edited v0.gh (72.9 KB)

Use v1.

I didn’t get what is V1, the file which you sent is not working on all curved surface. Please help me with that. and exactly I wanted to do the same thing which I have attached in image. Windows should be fitted between the mullions, and window size of 560mm X 700mm with frame size of 45mm x 45mm and also mullion size of 45mm x45mm . this should be aligned around the curved surface.

Window on surface edited v11.3dm (251.4 KB)
oad://rYINjW2JSFXqjsAqySliMNZNn8R.gh) (95.5 KB)
Window on surface Edited v1.gh (95.5 KB)