Hi Guys,
Here I am asking your assistance and I am stuck again 
What is the best way to divide a curve by a constant value (distance) from the midpoint?
I’d like to create a definition to create panelized walls along a curve at equal value,then have whatever is left over be a unique panel. There are many conditions that I might want to try:
- Standard size from start, left-over size at end.
- Standard size from end, left-over size at start.
- Edge of standard size from midpoint, equal left-over size at start and end.
- Center of standard size from midpoint, equal left-over size at start and end.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Facade Division of Distance.gh (32.4 KB)
You are asking for a division by length, but your GH file has Divide Distance
component in it. Since your borders are lines it won’t change the result, but if you somehow end up with curves, it’s a lot more difficult to achieve your goals with distance. With length it’s “easy” :
1. Divide Length
2. Flip Curve
and Divide Length
3. Divide Length
, only keep an even amount of segments (odd amount of points), compute the remaining length, divide by 2 and move all points along the curve by that amount.
4. Same as 3 but reverse even/odd.
Facade Division of Distance.gh (46.6 KB)
My bad, I am trying to divide it by a value of distance. Sorry for my bad english.
No problem. As said above if your curves are straight this is the same thing.
If you have generic NURBS curve, the only way to have 3 and 4 work is if the curve is symmetric. Otherwise there is no guarantee the first and last leftovers will have the same length.