Display Textures on Android Devices

Hello Shapediver Team,

The iframe that I have successfully embedded into my WIX website (https://www.layerup3d.co.uk/product-page/personalised-lithophane-keychain) shows the correct and intended textures on a PC as demonstrated below. (Windows 10, Intel Core i5 processor, 8GB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 Graphics Card)


After multiple tests on a mobile device (Android OS version 10) and using Google Chrome, it does not render the intended textures (pictured below) as it does on a PC.


However, on an iPhone 11, iOS 14.6 (Safari web browser) the textures are displayed correctly.


I am wondering if there is a way of displaying textures on android devices?

Thanks for looking at this.

The geometry generated from the dog picture seems to be the same. Is there some gradient texture applied to the material for contrast? Please share a minimal definition replicating so we can have a closer look.

Quick update: it seems that the vertex colours do not work on Android at the moment. The bug has been filed and we will let you know once this is fixed.