Displacement Mapping issues


I am trying to create a displacement on a surface with a bitmap I created in photoshop. The bitmap has smooth gradients and is very high resolution but when I apply the displacement I get a kind of orange peel texture over the whole surface, see pictures. I have upped the memory limit to max and played with all the settings but the texture remains, it just gets finer. Any ideas on how to smooth this?



  1. Open it in an image editor that supports 32 bit image processing
  2. Convert to 32 bit
  3. Blur a bit
  4. Save as .exr

waves.exr (6.6 MB)

Thanks for your reply Gijs,

I have converted the image, which is actually much larger than the section I uploaded (too big to upload here), and re-applied it to the surface but it is still a bit crunchy, can you share the settings you used in the displacement?



This is the result I get using your EXR file…not sure what I’m doing wrong.

For displacement, best is to have a fine, regular, quad-based mesh.
Try the attached (it has custom mesh settings you can inspect)

It also seems the texture needed to blurred a bit more to get noise free displacement
displacement.3dm (11.8 MB)

Thanks Gijs, unfortunately I can’t open Rhino 8 in my Rhino 7 version.

Apologies, I am still a bit of a novice with Rhino. When you say I need a fine, regular, quad based mesh is that something achieved in the Displacement settings or elsewhere~? I have been applying the displacement to a NURBS surface, should I apply to a mesh instead? I will try blurring more also.