Displacement > ExtractRenderMesh bug

Hi there,

if i displace a mesh or subd using the displacement modifier under Properties, then run ExtractRenderMesh to get the displaced mesh, it just makes a copy of the undisplaced input and keeps the displacement modifier enabled for it. (8.15.24349.1001, 2024-12-14).

It seems, ExtractRenderMesh with displacement only works for surfaces but not meshes or subd objects in Rhino 8. (Worked in Rhino 7, using surface, mesh or subd).


Hi @clement
Try running the dash version of ExtractRenderMesh just once (with no pre-selection). It doesn’t expose any options, but for me that fixed it, so that it then extracts the displaced mesh. Very weird!
HTH, Jakob

Edit And it seems that running the command dashed once more (with NO pre-selection) reverts it to extracting the non-displaced mesh :exploding_head:

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Thanks @clement and @Normand , filed as https://mcneel.myjetbrains.com/youtrack/issue/RH-85220


thank you @Normand for this trick, i would have never guessed that :wink:

thank you @BrianJ for adding it to the bug tracker too.


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I’m experiencing this issue as well, but I don’t understand the workaround. Can you help me understand what you mean by the ‘dash version’?

Hi @kervert
It means typing -ExtractRenderMesh in the prompt instead of just ExtractRenderMesh.
The dash (or minus) forces any given Rhino command to expose all available options in the prompt instead of eg. as a dialog box. In this weird case no options are exposed, but for some reason it seems to “fix” not being able to extract the displaced mesh.
HTH, Jakob

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Thank you!

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