I have a number of fairly complex grasshopper scripts, fully set up in millimeters, I’m using the scripts to create technical architectural drawings for one of several contractors.
One of them has asked me to change display the dimensions in meters, with 2 decimal places, rather than millimeters with zero decimal places as I’m using so far.
I can’t seem to manage this in the dimension components. I’ve been trying to play with the Dimension Text Input, but I don’t have enough experience with this sort of formatting.
scaling all the scripts to meters might take weeks and baking and adding dimensions in Rhino is also far too time consuming and would break the parametric nature of the scripts.
Yes, @martinsiegrist is correct. If you’re using Rhino 7, then I think EleFront is likely the best plugin to help here which will allow you to reference an actual annotation style to be used on your dimensions. If you’re willing to try Rhino 8, there are new components which let you reference existing annotation styles or even create your own directly in Grasshopper. You can read more about these components here: Rhino 8 Feature: Annotations and Hatches in GH1
I will use EleFront for now, but I will als definetly encourage my workplace to upgrade to Rhino 8 when the time comes. Great to hear these features will be naivey implemented!