Hi, just trying Rhino for Mac and the dimension text is not showing.
I’ve tried to increase it’s size on the Dimension Styles Pallete. I can increse the arrows, but I can’t see the text.
Glad if someone can help.
Hi, just trying Rhino for Mac and the dimension text is not showing.
I’ve tried to increase it’s size on the Dimension Styles Pallete. I can increse the arrows, but I can’t see the text.
Glad if someone can help.
Can you share your OSX version info as well as what graphics card you have in the computer. About this Mac>More Info shows this information. Does closing Rhino and reopening the file help too?
If you can post any screenshots of what you see and also a simple file that would be useful too. There were a few reports having to do with dimension text not displaying correctly a couple months ago but they should be fixed. I suspect your GPU and or OSX version is the difference from those users.