Having an issue scaling the dimensions on a drawing.
No matter how I adjust the dimension settings in Mac Rhino. all dimensions are drawn at the default height (looks like 1" tall). I can adjust them individually after they are placed. But any and all changes I make under the settings menu are completely ignored.
It sounds more like a lack of familiarity with named Annotation styles, the current style, and how the setting affect the specific dimension. Perhaps the Template file you are using might be involved in the fix.
Would you please post a small sample file that shows both an original “wrong” dimension, and a fixed “correct” dimension?
With that specific example it should be simple to help out.
Again, I am simply trying to adjust the dimensions so they default to .1" letter height. (model and layout are both in inches) I adjust this in the settings tab, but when I place a dimension, it displays as one inch. I can click the individual dimensions and adjust them in the side bar, but that is no way to live.
Hi Christopher -
You have posted a picture of a sample file, not a sample file.
With a picture, we can start guessing about what’s going on, with a file we most likely wouldn’t have to…
Your current style is “standard” and your picture shows that you are modifying a different style. Could that be the issue here?