Hi, I’m running into an issue where dimensions move from one object to another when the object with the dimension is deleted. Here is any way to avoid this? Thanks for the help!
Moving dims.3dm (73.1 KB)
Moving dims.gh (4.4 KB)
Hi, I’m running into an issue where dimensions move from one object to another when the object with the dimension is deleted. Here is any way to avoid this? Thanks for the help!
Moving dims.3dm (73.1 KB)
Moving dims.gh (4.4 KB)
The 3 boxes are being input as one element, the manual dimension you are placing works by going to the Element reference (face), Revit only knows the face count changed but still finds the same reference (what it thinks are the same)
If you graft your inputs (3 different boxes) then the dimension will be removed along with the Element.
Thank you for the response! I got it to work by grafting it. I ran into the same “moving dimension” issue when trying to use eleFront. Any idea on how to keep that from happening when referencing by type or layer?
When combining multiple objects into a single DirectShape element in Revit, dimensions reference specific face IDs (like Face 13 and 14). If you later modify or delete parts of that DirectShape, the face ID numbering remains unchanged for the surviving faces, but may no longer reference the same surfaces you originally dimensioned. Additionally, dimensions tied to faces with higher ID numbers might disappear entirely after modifications, even if those physical surfaces still exist.
To avoid this issue, carefully control how objects are grouped when creating DirectShapes from Rhino geometry by using branches.
Thank you again for the response. Very helpful.