Hi there – I’m having trouble with something in Pufflerfish. I’m attempting to tween two curves, but along an axis of rotation. The A and B curves are different lengths, and ultimately, the axis would act as a point of intersection to connect other elements. This is to rebuild a facade component seen here:
Where the fins are built off the centerlines – the tween curves in the script. What am I missing here? When I add the ‘Multiple Curves’ node, I get an empty point list as an output, and only the A and B curves intersect (plus the tween is a bit wonky) – how can I fix? The end goal is to rebuild using Rhino.Inside as a new family.
Hi @magicteddy – thank you for this! Yes, your notes make sense. Looking at the points from the Line | Line component, it does seem like the points from both A and B outputs aren’t what I’m after. Is there something I’m missing in just having these tweened lines rotate at the same point along an axis? Like where this pipe is running along the guide curve, I would want the tweened lines to intersect at those points:
Totally familiar, but different issue / approach (in this case the guide curve is the driver and should remain horizontal; my ask before was around an interpolated curve based along points on the perpendicular curves, so not the same condition) – thank you for always being so observant, @Joseph_Oster . How can I best handle these requests for help in a way that doesn’t offend?
Thank you for exploring this, @magicteddy – I guess I’m confused, because the build is essentially one vertical curve, one horizontal curve, connected by a perpendicular curve at a point that is the same distance from one end of each curve:
The length of the tweens changes along the rotational axis, but the point of intersection at the rotational axis should be the same. Should be, but it’s not. Is there something other than the Tween option that will get me the change in length over the course of the guide line / rotational axis, with the gradual rotational change? If not tweened, what’s the best course of action in this regard?
I did try dividing the guide, but then had trouble creating the perpendicular / change in length lines – just hitting a wall on this one, sadly. I feel like I’m just overthinking it 100%, but also grasping at straws. Really appreciate your help.