Did someone successfully migrated to Rhino for Mac?

Hey guys just a quick question on the topic since I was not really comfortable with RfM the whole interface and workflow felt crippled. Any ideas on this? Thanks Hannes

Rhino for Mac isnā€™t supposed to feel comfortable for someone comfortable with Rhino for Windows.
The purpose of the development was to attract new users that would never consider using a Windows product because they donā€™t like how Windows applications look, feel, and operate.

Sounds to me like Windows Rhino works pretty well for you.

haha @John_Brock :grinning:
sorry but in my honest opinion a great software should work on every device the same. there is no ā€˜Windows workflowā€™. Look at Photoshop, Cinema 4D, Modo or Sketchup - all the same to the core only the computer is different. Would love to migrate to Mac since I have a MacBook Pro but still using Bootcamp for this reason which is really tedious. Hope you guys at McNeel get together from time to time to revise your overall strategies.

Rhino for Mac at the moment looks and feels like a toyā€¦

But thanks for your honest reply! H

The ā€œbigger brainsā€ around here that choose direction around here, use the common interface examples you listed as examples of why Rhino for Mac Needs to be different.
They say the common interface approach makes the other camp crazy since itā€™s wrong, or a merged interface is just awkward for everyone.

As a user of both Windows and OSX, they clearly are different and each one has strengths and weaknesses the other does not.

I feel caught in the middle most of the time so Iā€™ll just sit back and see where this discussion goes.

Iā€™ll assume you found Rhinoceros > Preferences > Themes and tried the ā€œRhino for Windowsā€ theme?

you probably have to be a little more specific with thisā€¦ itā€™s possible the parts that look or feel toyish to you have alternative stylesā€¦ or, itā€™s possible something like the red/yellow/green dots make it look toyish so in that case, yeah, itā€™s going to be like that for a long time.

what, exactly, looks like a toy to you? can you elaborate a bit on this point?

as far as the feel goes, iā€™m not really sure because i donā€™t have windows experience but from what i can gather-- i work basically the same way on mac rhino as someone in windows couldā€¦ generally all the same keys etc for the command line interface albeit, on mac, the command line is less horizontal and more verticalā€¦ from what i see though, they work or feel pretty much the same.

idk, iā€™m sure youā€™re saying something with the line iā€™ve quoted but it hasnā€™t translated properly to your readers.

It really does amuse me when the whole issue of ā€œit should be the sameā€ comes up.
Even from the earliest days of the Rhino for Mac betas it was obvious that the GUI was going to be different. Aside from the current limitations with certain plugins etc. the software functions identically. At our studio we use both Windows and Mac versions. Those who like to use Mac use Mac and vice versa.
"ā€¦feels like a toyā€¦" is interesting. I must admit when I first tried the early Mac betas there were a few GUI aspects which I thought were really helpful and perhaps a little more self explanatory with regards to options inside commands etc. I certainly wouldnā€™t call it toy likeā€¦more, appealing to those who like/require a softer approach to a GUI.
For me though, Iā€™m Rhino for Windows since V1.

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Hi Hannes!

I use both versions every day - and feel comfortable with both. The UI can of course be customized. There are some aspects I dont quite like (yet) on the Mac, but weā€™re getting there :slightly_smiling: There are on the other hand many features in the Mac UI that I like very much (things that you wonā€™t find on Windows) - things that make the workspace easy to use. The Mac UI is also cleaner and better looking in all the subtle details (only my opinion of course) :wink:



Iā€™d suggest you have not dug deeply enough. Missing elements (plugins, etc) aside, RfM is just a capable IMO.

You may be loath to do so based on your predisposition, but YOU can customize either to essentially look the same where it matters. After fully adapting to RfM, when going back to RfW, I found myself temporarily stymied after too long of a absence from RfW. The inverse of your situation, and central to your valid platform consistency position.

My solution was to make RfW look and work like RfM where the rubber-hit-the-road for me. Was a short investment of time which paid dividends for when I needed to be in RfW (minority). Such is a solution for the migrator/multi-platform person irrespective of which side mimics the other.

Sure, butā€¦

While Adobe is the poster child for such, your life and desires for your Mac and RfM may improve if youā€™ll consider reality. Just look at Alias to see what can happen when platform consistency is to be maintained after many many years of accumulated interface design.

So while you make a valid point, there is a valid counterpoint as well under specific circumstance. Over time, as modernization of Rhino evolves in future releases, perhaps RfM could actually influence RfW too in terms of greater constancy.

While certainly debatable, in the end, and after some head scratching, I appreciate the move away from a straight port. (There were most likely technical and resource business reasons as well.)

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So thanks guys, this is really enough arguments for me to dig deeper on the weekend. I will post some own opinions and maybe a screen-cast along. I hope you all work with aliases or have a bit more streamlined customized workflow than the average user clicking on icons and investing a great amount of time discovering the sub-menus :wink:

Actually my neighbor at work was using Rhino for Mac for half a year and I was really astonished why he was able to get along all the time with those two panes of same layers all the time blocking his right site of the screen (by default RfM) :smiley:

Cheers guys! I really LOVE my RhinofW and would be a great ambassador for Mac if this works outā€¦

Have a nice evening!

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just start typing your aliasā€™ or commandsā€¦

He either liked it that way (and that is OK) or was a bone headā€¦You can go clean:

Or use the very cool Screen Edges with Middle Mouse Buttonā€¦

ā€¦to go super clean and maximize your modeling environment:

I use alias for almost everything I do. Being able to export my alias list from RfW straight in to RfM was great. However for me it highlighted how many of my alias were for plugins. Unfortunately plugins (T-Splines/Clayoo/RhinoGold) that have very little chance of coming to RfM.

Having always owned a Mac and I would love to be able to use RfM but my next computer will be a Windows one.

I really hope this is is not true. I would like to think that McNeel is working with plugin developers to make this a reality.

Clayoo and Rhino Gold are pretty much ruled out. Full post by Rafael here but this is the crux of it. With TDMs move toward rendering and cloud based component design to work in with Stullers business of selling gems and alloys I don`t see them having time for the Mac.

Let me summarize it! I donā€™t know what will be the future for RhinoGold and other CAD3D in Mac OS X. Today is not possible to buy a Mac with a good graphic card! (I know Mac Pro), and it is a big problem for the user experience!

TDM have been promising the next version of Clayoo to fix some very serious issues for a very long time. I simply cannot see them finding the resources for a Mac version of anything despite their recent acquisition by Stuller.

Re T-Splines. You might want to read this thread. I think this is the main point that the T-Splines employee was making.

If a Mac plug-in had been possible years ago then we certainly would have jumped at the chance. That wasnā€™t possible, and instead we focused our efforts on Autodesk Fusion 360, which does run on the Mac and has from the beginning with great T-splines features. Having the resources to start another Rhino plug-in, taking some focus away from our Rhino users on Windows as well as Fusion 360 users on both platforms, just might not be in the cards.

Iā€™m actually more comfortable with Rhino Mac than the Windows counterpart. Iā€™m actually glad itā€™s of a different interface and Iā€™m working way quicker when Iā€™m on Rhino Mac.


Actually, I love the adjustments they made to the Rhino for Mac. Software on Mac is different from PC in every way, like Affinity Designer comparing to Adobe Illustrator. So, just copying the Windows version interface to the Mac version is really not right to me.

Since the beginning of the beta test of Rhino for Mac, I was so surprised to see they put Mac gestures to software, I thought it would be just another laggy one transferred from Windows, but the truth is, it smooth like hell, and it even works well with Magic Mouse. As for the surface, it really makes me feel like Iā€™m using an MAS app, instead of a transferred windows software.

Many companies just not so serious with the Mac platform, especially when it comes to CAD software developing. So actually I was shocked to see the delicate work they did to Rhino for Mac just to make it more ā€œMacā€.

I mean, feeling uncomfortable when switching to the Mac platform is pretty natural for everyone. But when you get used to it, you may double the productivity. And during the adaptation period, stick with Command Line might be a good idea.


Iā€™m successfully reverse migrating to Mac. Actually I migrated to Windows just because of Rhino back in 1998. Working on a Mac again is a good way to get rid of the bad habits (VBscript) :grin:

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