Interface mac vs windows

Hello to all,
I need your help!
Use Rhino on windows, now I would like to make use of it on mac El Capitan. But I see the completely different interface! For me it’s horrible! why? Help me understand please!

If you’re expecting Rhino for Mac to look like Rhino for Windows, you’re out of luck. The Rhino for Mac interface was designed specifically to “feel” more like a native Mac app; anyone coming over from Windows is considered an “edge case” that can safely be ignored.

I feel your pain, this wiki page might help the transition somewhat.


you are my savior!

I followed the link is I set windows theme is how I saw everything I wanted!

Thanks a lot you saved me!

do you know any solution to change my windows interface into mac interface?
I really like mac UI and want to try on my win.