Detail Item - Rotation?

Hi is anyone else having issues with Detail item Rotation?

Do you tend to use Plane Rotation for a Detail Item?

Example of a PT Tendon rotation.

Rotation 90 degrees

Rotation set 90 degrees?

Rotation set with Radians?

Inputs are asking for
Point location (Not a Plane)
Rotation is asking for a Number?

Add Detail Item (Guides notes you can input a Plane or a Point)
Can see it was update for 1.8v… Our script did once work correctly.
I am currently using

Hi @christopher.pires,

‘Add Detail Item’ always took a Point and a Rotation.
You can verify it on the repo from here, this is the history of the file and since it was created is like this.

In theory the rotation angle is measured from the view horizon, is not working like this in your case? How is your view oriented, is it a section, a plan, a drafting one?

Thanks Kike,

Its just a Plan View. Level View.

Plan is orientated by the project orientation. It was working on a co works machine & not mine for some reason & I have the latest RIR installed.

I seem to have hit a similar problem. I tried to rotate the plane that was used to place the detail item, or rotate after the detail time was placed. Neither produced any rotation. I also upgraded to the newest build of RIR from the website.

Rhino.Inside Revit: 1.19.8816.24975 (2024-02-20T13:52:30)
Rhino: 7.36.23346.16351 (Rhino 7)
Revit: 2023.1.30 (
No Plugins

Also, is there a component to create a detail fill in a family similar to Component family Curve, or component family Form

thanks :slight_smile:

Hi Alex,

The rotation is available via the ZoomUI, this one should probably be exposed by default.

Zooming in you can hit the + to get the Rotation input. A couple of other ways of accessing this feature is to Shift/Cntl double click on the component, or Right Click and Hide/Show parameters.

The major use is to clean up large input/output components, once an panel/value is attached you can collapse the component to only what you need.

Are you referring to filled Regions?

Yes, I did mean filled regions, however the issue with the ‘add region’ component, is the family has to be open to find the active view. I was working on a larger work flow to take detail groups, convert them into detail items, then load them back into the project based off the location of the groups. Ideally this would happen in the background without opening the family. I was looking for a component similar to Component Family Curve, so I could use New Component Family to create the family.

Happy to share the code and and example file if that is useful.