Im sure I’ve e seen a GH def for a pattern like this but i cant find it anywhere on either forum now.
Similar to the wave interference patterns but it lioks more like a force field / height field than the water drop interference patterns.
Can anyone locate a link or suggest any info to help me create a definition.
I think such effect could be done with noise
Simplex and Perlin Noise on surface - Grasshopper
Thanks Laurent, I will look into this later.
There are really many possibilities playing with noise, Cosinus, Power …
Grooves …
Micro grooved waving surface
marble turbulence noise (34.6 KB)
Before I delve into the detail, what’s the general process going on here?
Is it totally random or are there seed points driving the pattern?
Also, I’m on R5 so I don’t get the multiplication components when I open defs and have to figure out where they go!
There are no attractors as points, but they could be hidden in equations, as a Sinus has max values every PI.
Main thing are a Sinus wave distorded by Noise and then deformed with some functions. It is all experimental.
What I’m interested in is the way the ripples seem to push against each other rather than interfering… The classic David Rutten Sine wave / water droplet ripple pattern creates interference patterns between the waves coming from the point sources whereas the ripples in the original image above seem to fight for an equilibrium like a force field.
Your third image above seems very close to this but I’m trying to understand why this happens!
I don’t need to model the micro grooves as this can simply be done on a CNC by increasing the step over of the toolpath when cutting… Small step over = no grooves, large step over = visible grooves.
Thanks for all the inspiration!
Play with the sliders (noise attenuation), without grooves it is quit fast. You will see the the initial sinus deformed by the noise
I added a little slider (X) to use or not the Cosinus
marble turbulence noise (25.7 KB)
I have to set No of Groooves to 100 and No of Points to 25 to be able to play with the sliders but it’s good fun!
Is there a reason why the noise is done in C# and is the formula just one you’ve made up or is there some reasoning behind it?
The calculation are done in C# for speed. Previously it was done in a classical component. C# is 4x faster. There was some reasoning to make the marble. But for this question I just made some trials and errors. I think you will find some explanations on a link on texture
Thanks! looks good, i’ll give it a go too!
ah, wrong SDK version… is this something to do with R5 / R6?
I think your Pufferfish Pinch n Spread could do something similar too… maybe it needs to Pinch, Spread and Twist?
I think it works only on R6, at this point it probably makes sense to update to R6, most plugins are migrating.
yer, unfortunately for me at the moment that means a new laptop and an R6 license but I’m working on it.
Got quite a nice effect using field strength from point charges instead of noise into your C# component…
I don’t fully understand yet why this happened, but I like it!
Field Tensor X component…